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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


No articles or discussions of apps today.  Today is my 500th post.  I'm shocked I stayed with something this long.  I'm very happy I have.  My posts may have wandered here & there, but they always got made & were relevant to me & my interests.

Knowing I can keep up with this gives me some indication I can keep up with other things in my life.  I've been at my exercise sense February & have had it mostly where I wanted it since the beginning of this month.  I've been trying to cut back on other things I don't need in my life & incorporate more of what I do. 

Maybe placing such emphasis on something like a number of blog posts may seem silly, but not to me.  You have to start somewhere & for me it was this.  I doesn't really matter if anyone else reads it.  What matters is that I was dedicated enough to it & myself to do it.  A journey is really about taking the first step & consistently moving onward.

To anyone who reads this, thanks for sticking with me.  I wonder where the next 500 will take me. 


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