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Friday, May 18, 2012

Still Debating...

I'm still wondering what direction I want to go with this blog.  The articles today were a little lacking.  The one that stood out the most was about San Francisco deciding that the city would cover the loss of Federal $ to be spent on HIV.  That's great.  Actually, it's awesome for them, but what about every other city out there.  I'm really happy that SF has the funds to cover the loss, but there are a lot of cities that don't or simply won't spend the $ on something like HIV. 

Governments really need to learn that pulling $ out of treating communicable diseases is never the answer.  That only allows the problem to get worse & spread further.  It's not just the USA, many countries in the world are pulling $ out of HIV/AIDS treatment.  Sure, they'll save a little now, but the they'll pay a lot more in the end.

I really wish when it came to treating illness & funding medical programs, the politicians, religious kooks & warmongers would keep their noses out of it.  For once, it'd be nice to make a medical decision purely on medical advice & not politics, religion or corporate greed.


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