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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dirty White Fan...

The beat goes on & the fans keep whirling until they look like this.  The pic above isn't one of ours, just the same type.   House hold fans get nasty fast.   They get gunked up & blow who knows what at you.  I've talked about cleaning fans before, but mostly from a fix-it perspective.  

Think about how many fans are in your home; ceiling fans, box fans, oscillating/tower fans, exhaust fans, computer fans, etc...  They all have the same purpose to move air from place to another.  They all suffer from the same problems as well.  They get filthy & need maintenance.  It's fairly easy to take a box fan apart, clean it, lube it & put it all back together again.

Once cleaned, it should look more like this.  Not only is it more attractive, it's healthier.  The fan will last longer.  You'll save $ because the fan will work more efficiently & not have to be replace.  Cleaning your computer fans will may your system run better.  Most exhaust fans have filters that need to be cleaned or replaced.  Ceiling fans are fairly easy to clean. 

I know clean, clean, clean.  But all that cleaning means you're getting allergens, grease, dander & who know's what else out of the air.  A lot of times when you're trying to stay healthy, it's the little things that can really help.


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