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Saturday, May 5, 2012

$ Cuts...

Alabama is looking at doing a major health cut back.  30% in Medicaid & 30% in Public Health.  This will be extremely problematic for HIV patients dependent on these things for their meds.  Problematic is an understatement.  

Yes, there is Ryan White & ADAP/HDAP, but those are spotty at best.  Yes, some drug companies will aid people with lower incomes, but the process can be long & tedious.  Those two things could cause these people to no longer have access to their meds.

Lack of access can lead to resistance in the HIV.  Lack of meds will lead to higher levels of the virus & a greater risk for transmission.  Cutting the budget in the health arena not only endangers people with HIV & other illnesses, it also risks the health of the general population.  Funny, the politicians don't seem to worry about that much.  Hey they may have cut health care but they're still getting paid & high school football's an absolute must.

Priorities, they don't seem to have any...


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