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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Someone Forget To Tell The Rain It Was May Day...

Today is the first of May, or May Day.   There are many stories of this holiday from Labor Day to Beltane.  Some are rooted in ancient traditions & others in modern socioeconomic systems.  Regardless of the origin, it always reminds me of a may pole.

We had one in my hometown park when I was a kid.  It wasn't a grand pole with colorful streamers.  No, it was an iron post with four chains hanging down with handles to hold on to as you spun about the pole.  It was really more like the flying swings at the fair than a traditional may pole.

May is supposed to be about fertility, prosperity & flowers brought to us by April showers. Sometimes April just can't take a hint & leave.  Today is soggy & flooding.  The may polers would be knee deep in mud & that isn't cute or sexy, well maybe a little cute & sexy on the right people.

Nonetheless, this is the first day of a new month, the new moon is cresting & things are renewing. If you've got some plans & they need a bit of a lucky boost, this would probably be a good time to get started with them.  May is a good month for beginnings & endings.  The weather is warming & school is close to ending.  What will you do in May?

I have to start the blood work thing over again this month.  Later in the month, I'll go in & get my lab orders & have someone at the hospital lab draw my blood into too many vials.  Then I'll  hope that no one screws up & ends up with me getting stuck again.  

Happy May Day to you all

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