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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

That Time Of The Month...

Today is the day when most, if not all, the $ in the house flies the coop.  At least the bills are paid for another month.  That just leaves groceries, gas & incidentals.  It's those last two that get us every month.  Gas prices keep soaring, which makes everything else go up.  Then there are those damn incidentals.  These last couple of weeks have been bad for them.  Had to replace a ladder to fix the rain gutter.  Had one, but due relatively unknown circumstances, it is no longer available.  Then there was the roomie's computer that decided to die.

Incidentals will kill your budget.  They are those things you just can't plan for, even if you try.   My roomie's computer was less than two years old, damn gateway.  Gateway is a sucky company, even worse than Dell.  Either way it's, "Dude you're getting a dud."  I have to feel at least somewhat grateful.  After all we did have the $ to cover those expenses & still pay the bills.  

Today is the first day of the month with the bills paid, it all racks up from here on out.

Hope you have a happy humpday....

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