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Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Chilly Day...

Woke up to a slightly chilly morning.  Actually, woke up the first time at just past 4 AM.  There was a a loud beep.  Then a few minutes later another one, then another one. I got up & finally tracked the damnedable  beeping sound down.  It was the carbon monoxide detector.  Apparently it's batteries were dying.  It was unceremoniously yanked from the ceiling & sat aside so that I could go back to sleep.  Hah.  A few minutes later it beeped again.  I hadn't completely taken the batteries out of the awful thing.

By the time I went back to bed it had grown a bit sticky & so I turned on the fan.  When I woke the air was much crisper & I was under covers.  This day was not starting off well & I wasn't even out of bed yet.

I wound oversleeping a bit & I have things to get done, so this post will be short.  I will leave you with a video that somewhat illustrated how I felt last night.  

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