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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday the 14th...

Today is Saturday the 14th.  It has it's own movie just like the previous day.  A lot of people have issues with Friday the 13th.  I'm not one of them.  If anything, I always sort of looked forwards to them.  I do not suffer from Friggatriskaidekaphobia  or Parakevidekatriaphobia, the fear of the dreaded Friday the 13th.

What I do suffer from is Schadenfreude.  I do take a bit of joy in seeing others preoccupation with the superstition revolving around this day.  All the effort it must take to live a life filled with such anguish over a day that could appear on the calendar up to three times in a year.

For all of you reading this, you made it.  You survived another Friday the 13th.  You were victorious against a  date on a calendar.  You have survived the corruptive nature of the number 13 & the badness associated with Fridays.  It's now the following day & you can laugh & resume life as normal.  You can act like you were never bother in slightest by the previous day. 

But some of you were.  Some of you were bothered by the previous day.  What will you do to prepare for the next Friday the 13th looming just a few months day the road?   How do you stand the knowledge that it is coming & there is absolutely nothing you can do about it?  The dread must be awful.

Here's to hoping you all come up with plans to handle you next Friday the 13th...

Just remember Jason is watching...

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