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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Seasonal Stickage...

It was that time again.  This morning I went down to get my quarterly blood draw.  Here's hoping the lab doesn't screw it up & make me get stuck again.   Even to this day, I am no fan of needles.  I count myself lucky though, I could have to drive all the way to the next town just to get my labs done.  That'd suck.  Pain in the arm & the wallet.

So it's time to see what the test can tell me:  I usually get four:

  1. CD4
  2. CBC
  3. CMP
  4. HIV - VL Ultrasensitive Quantitative 
Sometime I have to get a Fasting Lipid Panel, for cholesterol.   The CD4 & HIV - VL are fairly specific to HIV patients.  The CD4 is looking for CD4 molecules in the blood that aid in viral repression.  The VL or viral load, is looking to see how much of the virus is actually in your blood.  The CBC & CMP are general labs drawn to check blood count & blood traits.

I wait & hope for no mess ups.  Then I'll get my results.  My numbers are never as high as they'd like, but they are consistent.  

I'll see my Dr. via telemedicine in the middle of June.  It's always an event.  I still get a little anxious.  I don't like to go, but I do.  The bus wobbles & their are strange people there, but it's better than driving  120+ miles one way to Tulsa, OK like I used to have to do.  

Oh well, that's weeks away.  Have a good day & I'll leave you with another video.

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