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Saturday, May 21, 2011

The War Rages On...

The war on fleas that is.  Fleas are just plain nasty business.   There is nothing redeemable about a flea, ask your dog or cat.  Fleas are one natures nasty, little, vampires just waiting to get staked, sprayed, squashed, vacuumed or whatever other means you may use to implement their demise.

Fleas are irritants.  They bother your animals & you.  They are annoying to deal with & can be expensive to treat.  Another problem is that my cats are allergic/sensitive to most the flea treatments on the market.  We used to use bio-spot topical & it worked right up until the point the company changed their formula.  Not only did the new formula not kill fleas, it nearly killed our cats.

After researching & discovering that most of the other products on the market such as: powders, shampoos, sprays or things like CapStar were either completely impotent against fleas or lose their potency within days, if not hours, we turned to other options.

We opted for the home-remedy approach & it works fairly well, but it's a fair amount of work.  Do take care of your lawn.  Hire it done or do it yourself, but if the lawn isn't treated, nothing else you do will matter.  Then clean & vacuum  like there's no tomorrow & don't stop until flea season ends.  Quickly dispose of any vacuumed up matter in a sealed plastic bag & clean out your vacuum's cannister.  

You can employ various herbs & essential oils to fight fleas.  Google this & you'll find lots of sites.  Be careful not to gas yourself out of the house with these oils.  Use lavender soap or fragrance on everything you can.  Finally, use a flea comb on your cat daily.

We recently found a new product that sounded promising, Sentry Natural Defense Squeeze on for Cats.  It sounded great until I researched it.  Like I've said before, always research your herbals, so that you know what you're getting yourself into.  This thing had horrible reviews ranging from useless to toxic. Very few gave this product good reviews & the threat to my cats' health is too great to risk it.  

We are left with daily diligence & cleaning practices.   Death to all fleas...

Have a good day & may the fleas not come calling at your house...

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