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Friday, May 6, 2011

HIV & The Sixth...

It's May sixth.  This day like most has a lot meaning for someone, somewhere.   There are a lot of religious observances, Military Spouse Day, Police Day & the one I like the best is International No Diet Day.  

This observation is to celebrate body acceptance regardless of size.  It exists as a line in the sand to say that sizism, fatphobia, weight discrimination or any other action or perception against a person based on their size is unacceptable.  I choose this observance for two reasons.

First off, my roomie is heavy.  She used to teach college level English & humanities.  Then the school cut her position to give another one to some good ol', preacher boy's, flaming, PK son a job.  I wasn't that worried at  first, she was well educated & reasonably experienced.  Hah, I should've known better.  Job after job was denied, interviews went well & then no where, then there was no one even willing to see her.  She sat for hours at a time in the park depressed over her situation.  Some interviewers even told her, that her size was the only reason they wouldn't hire her.  This led to her having no choice but to go on disability while struggled to get her life back together.  My roomie was being denied the ability to support herself just because she was overweight.  The misperceptions about heavy people are nearly limitless.  

The second reason for chosing this day concerns HIV.  This day deals with a lot of things people with HIV deal with all time if their status is known or in question.  There are those people who seem to think that they can contract it just by being in proximity of + person.  While there are others that seem to think they or their type are immune to the virus.  If it wasn't so serious, I'd laugh at the ignorance I hear concerning HIV.

HIV + people & people with weight issues are targets.  We are the targets of capitalistic companies looking to sell various snake-oils to make us "better."  People who have combined their ignorance, intolerance & ideological hellishness often target both groups. There are so many people who feel it is their right to lob whatever they like at the heavy or HIV +.  No matter what the excuse, those doing the lobbing are the monsters.

Some next time you find out someone is + or you see someone who is heavy, stop, check your preconceived notions at the proverbial door & then go forward with an open mind.  If this is someone you just met, then remember that you do not know this person.  You do not know what has gone on in their life. Before you judge them & begin with your epithets, remember there is probably more than enough about you for them to turn around & hurl some nastiness right back at you.

On this day, I wish you all an open mind...

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