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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Dreaded Eeewww Factor...

This will be another short post today.  I'm a bit worn out.  The battle of the flea rages on.  We thought we were getting the upper hand in the war,  maybe not.  My roomie kept a rolling cart near her computer to hold things & a couple of those things lately have been two of the cats sleeping on the top shelf of the cart.

It was a little annoying for her, but she let them stay.  She cleaned the shelf occasionally & had done so just a week prior to get a lot cat fur off of it.  She picked up a crate, to get something out of it & saw more fur.   So she emptied the shelf to clean off the fur.  That's when it happened.

The shelf was covered in fur, flea dirt, eggs & worst off all squirming flea larvae.  The revulsion was awful & the mess was worse.  The clean up began in earnest.  The cart was drug outside & scrubbed & sprayed & scrubbed some more.  Then came spraying the area where it had been.  Then vacuuming the whole area.  

We are both disgusted & exhausted.  But the battle of the flea has been halted for the moment.

Hope you have a good, flea-less day

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