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Sunday, May 15, 2011

ACV ...

I've mentioned before that I take some supplements.  The one's I take can usually be bought at any big-box store. I am not a supplement nut, however, my Dr. suggested that I take some due to the fact that some of the medications that I'm on may wash out some nutrients from the body.  It was suggested that I take a multi-vitamin & a B-complex.

I have added a few that I take daily or near daily. I'll talk about them over the next few days.   The first is apple cider vinegar or ACV.  Some people swear by the filtered, others the unfiltered.  I think it's personal preference.   ACV has been said to aid with weight loss, lowering triglycerides, lowering blood pressure, improving digestion, improving skin condition & much more.

I usually take it two to three times a day after meals.  I take 2 teaspoons mixed with an equal or more amount of water, then chased with more water.  It took about a month for me to notice any changes, but I did notice changes.  It did lower my triglycerides.  My blood pressure dropped about ten points.  It also dampen my appetite.

I use ACV in a variety of ways now.  It really helps with household cleaning.  I keep it in my shower & spray it on after wards.  Then I wait a bit, then rinse.  It seems to help keep the body oil & sebum down a bit.  It also makes hair shinier.   Past that I add a bit (1/4 tsp) to the cats water daily.  That helps keep the water bowls clean & it cuts down some on flea issues.  I also rub it on the cats' fur when they have flea issues.  Fleas are not fond of ACV.

There are tons of uses for ACV, just google it.  Perhaps the simplest is to take 3 tsp of ACV, 1 - 2 tsp Oil, a little salt, pepper & whatever spice you like  & mix them up.  there you have a very simple salad dressing or vinaigrette.  If you do a dressing like that once a day, you can cut out one dose of the ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing stuff, I hope you look into it...

Have a great Sunday...

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