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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fifth Of What...

Today is May fifth or for some Cinco De Mayo.  I really don't care too much for people who celebrate holidays that aren't part of their culture.  It just comes off incredibly fake & self serving.  Respecting someone else's culture & their holidays is one thing, but for most people I know, Cinco De Mayo is just an excuse to get stupidly drunk & loudly flatulent.

American (non-Hispanic) corporations capitalize on the day like vultures fighting over roadkill.  This a Mexican military victory.  How do you think most Americans would feel if other countries like Saudi Arabia, China or Argentina celebrated the Fourth of July or the Battle of Gettysburg?  I doubt they'd like it very much.  

There are a lot things we do in this country without ever even thinking about where or how things originated.  To celebrate a holiday you have no connection to or understanding of is being very disrespectful.  If you try to tell people about the holiday in question they tend to get angry & inform you that they don't care what's about, as long as they get to party.  Do you think most religious people are OK with that attitude towards their recognized Holy Days?

I'm sure other people do this as well, but Americans seem to have a tremendous knack for devaluing things that are so very important, if not sacred, to others.  Maybe one day, the Canadians will celebrate the US Veterans day by selling pinatas & balloons that look like soldiers, that their children can then burst. Now wouldn't that be fun?

So, I won't wish you a festive Cinco De Mayo.  Instead I will wish you a very happy Thursday, may it be a productive day for you.

Woo Hooo  Thursday

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