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Monday, May 2, 2011

High Waters Still...

This is the Poteau River near Fort Smith, AR.  I live almost 40 miles away from this point, but the water has been pretty high here as well.  More rains are expected tonight & then we'll have a reprieve for a bit.  Even if it doesn't rain for another week, it won't take much to flood everything again.  The ground is saturated & it'll take time for it to dry out.

Driving around here isn't fun when it rains.  The roads aren't that great to begin with & the big trucks that run our back roads leave them riddled with potholes. All those ruts & holes fill with water & make it damn easy to start hydroplaning.   I've slipped more driving in the last week, then I did driving during the ice storm earlier this year.

It's weird to see all this water & to know that technically we're still in a drought.  Oklahoma has seen low rainfalls for years.  All this flooding really doesn't help with the overall dryness of the area.  These downpours saturate the ground quickly & most of the water washes away downstream.  What we need is a series slow, light showers that will permeate the ground like a soaking host, not a fire hose.

The only good thing about this weather is that the allergies are getting washed away for now.  They'll be back, but for now, no need for the allergy pills.  It's been chilly enough to have the furnace on for a bit to take out some of the dampness from the air.  The cats are friendlier right now, they're snuggling up to get body heat.

Hopefully, this weather will pass soon & things can get back to normal.  Here's hoping you're dry wherever you are.

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