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Monday, May 18, 2015

& We're Off...

Today is going to feel  very  rushed for us.  Not that it really is.  We're just not used to travelling like this anymore.  It used to be common, but we no longer have that much of a reason to go to Tulsa,  

The trip isn't nearly the pain in the ass it used to be.  They fixed a lot of the road.  It actually cut off about 20 minutes of the travel.   Still, its a long drive & it will be tiring for me.

I'm hoping my specialist's office won't be too annoying.  I'm really not in the mood for it.  Especially since I should be seeing them down here via telemedicine.    I'm really losing my faith in these people 

I'll get a shower, then eat.  After that we'll get gas & be gone.  Here's finger-crossed for a good trip.


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