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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Attention Getting...

I took a little longer than I thought for the power to blip out, taking the net with it.  It did happen but came right back on.  Still the storms have been noteworthy.  Its likely there will be a lot of flooding from this.

On to other things attention grabbing.   Recently a magazine was printed in HIV + blood or so it claims.  Google it for the exact issue.  The point is the editor of the Vangardist claimed it did so to get people talking about HIV again.  

OK, yes there has been less communication about HIV than there were in the past.  Yes, we do need to rekindle those conversations.  But, was printing a magazine in blood really the right way to promote the issue?  

HIV is a serious topic & shouldn't be relegated to getting attention via stunts & gimmicks.  If they won't listen to the conversation, then we keep talking.  Eventually some will.  Unfortunately, many will only listen after HIV has impacted their lives. Provocative speech is important,  but stunts will only undermine the exchange.


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