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Saturday, May 30, 2015


I posted the other day about starting treatment as soon as a person is diagnosed HIV +.  My roomie read my post & the attached article & came to a conclusion, "Duh!"  It seems so much about HIV is like that.  Things that should be common sense are treated like major scientific breakthroughs. 

How many other illnesses could you be diagnosed with & the doctor tell its better to wait until your condition worsens before we start treatment?  Of course you should start treatment as soon as possible.  Why is that even something to discuss?

It comes down to $, religion & politics.   People don't want to spend $ on "Those kind of people."  You know, the people who get AIDS.  They're just not our problem.  They go against my politics or faith.   Why should do anything to help those people?

The Duh's of HIV:
  • Educate people about HIV
  • Get tested
  • Get treatment if +
Those are pretty much the basics.  If those 3 three can get done regularly & thoroughly then HIV can start to be handled.  Too bad common sense seems to collide with some many people's values.


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