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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Morning Running Around...

I had the van's tires looked at this morning.   I don't want a flat tire or 2 on the way to my specialist's office in Tulsa.   A while back the mechanics traded the front with the back.  The 1's originally in the front were the older tires.  It look's like it was a good idea to go have them checked.  Both the back tires need replacing. 

That's a bit of $ I didn't want to spend, but its a spend it now or spend it later situation.  I'd definitely rather have the problem dealt with now then have a blow out on the highway.   Its not easy changing tires on the van & it could've wound up being both rear tires going out instead just 1.  That would've been my luck.

They had to order the tires.  Tomorrow, after we go shopping & deal with whatever other errands we have, I'll go deal with the tires.  Then we should be ready for the trip.  I hope.


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