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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Funny Things...

This is an article from the blog [imstilljosh].  Josh blogs about his experiences with HIV.  Judging by his blog, he's way more into blogging than I am.   This piece was about the funny things about having HIV, at least for those who are +.  

It may not be side ripping laughable, but I appreciate it.  Any 1 with a chronic illness has to learn to find the fun wherever they can.  If we didn't we'd gone nuts.

Ill or not, try to find the joy & laughter in your life.  I'm not always the best at this.   Sometimes, I down right suck at it.  But still, there are things I enjoy.  My new neighbors love of noisy machines is not 1 of those things.  But, the outdoor cats, the weird little birds & the random bright flowers are.


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