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Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Night before last I didn't sleep hardly at all.  I was too worried about how much food & $ I was going to lose due to the stupid power outage.   I'm still not sure how much exactly, but over a $100 at least.   I'll probably not know everything, until I try to fix something & it smells off.  This could easily run up to $200.  Cash I seriously don't have to fix this mess up.  I already had to fork out over a $100 to get a new microwave that died during this.  

I hate OG&E.  They never have enough people to fix things.    We called repeatedly & got nowhere.  I finally found a number & got a real-live person & exaggerated the extent of the damage to a nearby pole that was leaning due a tree falling on the power lines.  They got there & started fixing it pretty soon after that.  Turns out my stretching of things wasn't that far off.  I couldn't see the pole was actually cracked & probably near cracking.  They just needed a nudge with a bulldozer.

We actually got a lot done yesterday,  None of which was sleeping for me.  I slept last night, but I'm still tired.   I'm slowly working through the fridge to clean out the bad.  I'm learning how to use the new microwave.  Mostly, I'm tired & achy. 

I seriously hope everyone else is doing better.


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