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Monday, May 4, 2015

Another Month Off...

I  got sloppy & didn't even say good bye to April 2015 as it went out the door.  So long April & hello May.  Its been a nice month so far.

We got the month off to a good start by getting started on the bills this morning.   That's always a good feeling to have those done with.  A few more will roll in & they'll get handled as they show up.

We went shopping this morning.   It was a little weird.  It wasn't that busy, but the store was really picked over.

Not much going on today.  My roomie's appointment got cancelled, so there's 1 less thing for her to handle.  My allergies are acting up a little.  The neighbor just got through mowing.  So, it should pass.  For now our yard is mowed, edged & sprayed.  Go us!  

Here's hoping May is good month.


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