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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Pleasant Day...

Its shaping up to be another nice day.  We just recently got rid of the 40's in the overnight temps.  It looks like the 50's will soon be following.  I hope it doesn't warm up too fast.  It'd be nice to ease into things.  I doubt I'll get my druthers on this.

Next week I'll have my doctor appointment with my regular doctor.  After that, I'll have to drive to see my specialist in Tulsa, because someone screwed up telemedicine again.   I'll do my best to make sure this isn't an ongoing thing.  Here's hoping there's good options in this matter.

I'm really annoyed with the Tulsa thing.  I'm trying not to dwell on it.  There isn't much I can do on the matter until I find out more about what's going on with everything.  So, I'll try to focus on other things.  Like how nice a day it is.


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