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Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day...

Its another holiday here.  I'm not sure how much outdoor festivities there's going to be with all this rain we've had.  I know, this day isn't supposed to be about the living, but for the dead.   I guess the dead don't really care rains or not.

We got shopping done.  This week will be clipped due to the holiday.  Mail won't run today.  It also increases the likelihood my pharmacy order for Friday will get screwed up.  I'm bracing myself for it to be an incomplete order.

The rain has stopped for now.  Still there are chances for it all through the week.  We've had somewhere between 15 to 21" depending on which site you trust.  Either way, we're way past the 6" average for the month.  The yards are floating & the waterways are overflowing. 

That's about it for today.  Stay safe.  Have a good holiday, if you celebrate it, if not Happy Monday.


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