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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sooner, Not Later...

In many parts of the world HIV treatment is often postponed until a person's CD4 level & viral loads hit certain points.   According to the study in this article & others going around, treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis.   

Its been accepted for a while, the earlier treatment begins, the better the regimen will work.   This treatment is as soon as possible, therefore improving all odds for a good regimen & management of the person's HIV.  

My treatment was very late in the game.  I've never had a CD4 count over 400 more than twice in a row.  Its just not going to happen.  I'm usually in the 300's, but my viral loads remain undetectable.  Its entirely likely that if I'd gotten  treatment earlier, I might not feel as crappy as I often do.   Maybe my hair, skin & teeth would've stayed in better condition. 

Its not an option for me, but it is for those just being diagnosed.  Hopefully, people will listen to this & there'll be enough funds to cover it.  Now, we just have to get people to test regularly.


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