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Friday, May 29, 2015

3 Days Post...

This many days later & I'm still feeling the impact of last Monday's fiasco with the power outage.   Between the stress, lack of sleep & changes in routine, my body is still pretty worn out.  I'm getting past it, but I'm not over it yet.

The problem with having a chronic illness, is that something like this isn't over when the event ends.   The event technically ended midday Tuesday.  It wasn't until Wednesday that I could see how much food we'd lost.  On Thursday we went shopping early to replace what we'd lost.   All the while, meals have been get as we can. 

I'm hoping this weekend I'll see a full recovery from this mess.   I need this to be behind me. Next week is the beginning of the month & bill time.  I'll start trying to contact my specialist office in Tulsa to see if anyone knows anything about Telemedicine yet.   Stay well everyone. 


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