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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Goodbye November...

That's it, it's a wrap & we're done with this month.  This month went by quickly.  It was rather pleasant.  Nothing, too terribly annoying happened.  That's eleven months down.  2013, all you have left is December & the holiday season.  I hope it goes as smoothly as November did. 

I do weird things with numbers sometimes.  It's a little numerological.  2013 translates as 2 + 0 + 1 +3 = 6.  6 is a double 3.  To me, 3's are trixie little numbers.  They look very sturdy & secure, but they're not.  They don't have the stability of a 4.  They're tripods & shaky. A 6 is just 2 shaky tripods.  You'd need a 9 to make 3's more stable.    3's are change numbers.  Put them with a 4 & you have 7, which is a good change number because it has some stability.  A 6 is just a double dose of change & we've had that this year.

Most the change we've undergone has been for the good. A lot of it has been by choice, which is even better. Sure, some of it wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't like some recent times when all the change was scary & nerve wracking.  

December is coming & it rounds out to another 3, even more change.  Maybe it'll count as the 3rd tripod & stabilize the whole thing out as the year winds down.  Now we head towards 2014, a year of 7's.  Enough with my number philosophy.

So long November, you were a good month,  until next year.  


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