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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Holiday Week...

It's here, Thanksgiving Week (US) is here.  It's week of things I mostly don't want to deal with at all.  It's a bunch of football games & parades.  A time when children are out school & more idiots are are on the road going who knows where.   I'm not fond of this time.

I'll have to reschedule my shopping.  My normal Friday shopping trip will land on BLACK FRIDAY, dum dum de dum... & there's no way I'm going shopping on that day unless it's an absolute emergency.  We can't go see any opening films, even if we wanted to because they'll be overflowing with people & all the cinemas are near shopping centers.

I guess what I'll be grateful for, is the fact I don't have to go anywhere near this mess.  This is why I try to get my shopping handled early.  It's also another reason I'm not such a fan of the holidays.  

For all of those planning on Black Friday sales, be safe & good hunting.


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