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Monday, November 11, 2013

& We're Off...

This is going to be a busy week for us.  We're off to the dentist off pretty quick.  I still have to get cleaned up & eat.  Then the drive to get there. Afterwards we have some errands to take care over there.  

We'd planned on going by the bank but forgot it was Veteran's Day (US).  So, that's out.  My roomie has an appointment & some errands to run tomorrow.  Then on Thursday, it's another trip to Fort Smith.  Friday is when my meds are supposed to arrive & a shopping day.  There are thing to do this week.  

All the while we're heading into our 1st major cool down, supposed to get down to the mid 20's F.  Burr...  Maybe it'll kill off some bugs.

This all heading us into the holidays.  Busy, busy, busy. At least most of that shopping is over with already.


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