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Monday, November 25, 2013

OK, I Underestimated A Bit...

I knew we were going to get cold this morning, but not this cold.  It wasn't as cold as it was supposed to be.  Nor, did we get hit with frigid hell other parts of Oklahoma did.  Still, it was below freezing, wet & windy.  Therefore, serious BRRRR!!!

We had to go shopping this morning.  The roads were fine, but the van was covered in ice this morning.  It took a bit getting it thawed out & the windows cleared enough to drive.  Driving on the cold stuff doesn't bother me that much, you just go slower & brake carefully.  My roomie on the other hand doesn't want anything to do with it if she can help it.

If ice & snow make you more nervous/scared than cautious, then you shouldn't be driving on it unless you absolutely have too.  IMO, nervous drivers are dangerous. Then tend to over react to everything.

The frozen stuff is heading for us for a while.  I'm not happy about it.   Where's the rest of my damn Fall.  We've been averaging 20+ F under our normal temps.  I want 50's & 60's, not 20's & 30's.   Winter needs to back itself up another month & let Fall have it's day.


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