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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Screwed Up Morning...

I had a post, but it got blitzed.  The electric went out & there went my post.  I thought it had been saved, at least in part, but it hadn't.  The power was out for 45 minutes + & it took another 15 to get the net to working.  Which technically it still isn't.  I'm still getting glitches.    

This fried my morning plans & now I'm playing catch up.  It didn't start out in a good mood today.  I hate it when things screw with my waking up & getting around time in the mornings.  It really irritates me.  

I was wanting to do a better post than this because tomorrow we have early afternoon plans which take up some time.   All this scurrying about & getting fractious over this matter isn't helping me out any.  I wish this companies would just handle their services better.   The weather was fine & yet the whole town went down.  What gives?


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