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Wednesday, November 20, 2013


My eyes, nose & throat are a mess today.  My sinuses were already bad.  Then today, we went through the year's receipts & other paperwork, so they could be sorted & put away.  

The dust on paper is horrible.  The amount of paper these companies waste is amazing.  You can't simply receive your bill & a return envelope.  No, they have to send you a dozen other things you have no interest in whatsoever.  

I'm aware paperless billing exists, but I like having my receipts with me.  I don't want to have to go wade online to find a particular statement.  Eventually, it won't be an option & I'll just have to deal with it, like I did with Direct Deposit.

Now, my eyes are blurry & my head's a mess.  So, that's all for now folks.  At least it's done for a while.


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