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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dismal Day...

I don't like overcast days.  I hate drear weather.  These days are usually noncommittal, they won't rain hard enough to be worth it or just lighten up.  

I never feel that well on these grey days.  I stay tired & distracted, yet not really sleepy.  Even if you pull the drapes & turn on all the lights, you can still tell it's dreary outside.

On another note, my pharmacy called today.  This round of dealing with then started earlier as they try to avoid the holiday rush.  Hopefully, they won't screw anything up.  

They might not, but I did, I've got to call them back & change the date.  The date they have is 1 when I have to pick up my roomie from Fort Smith.  I'll post again tomorrow, now I have to call the pharmacy.  There goes 30 minutes.


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