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Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Today, congress passed the HIV Organ Policy Equity Act.   This law allows for HIV + people to donate organs to other + people.  Before this, the organs would've been discarded.  

The benefits are 2-sided.  1st, the people living with HIV are more apt to receive organs & not be declared unfit.  2nd, there will be more organs available.  HIV- people will have less competition for available organs. 

I'm sure there's a lot to be hammered out.  Can the person donating have a drug tolerance to HIV meds.?  If so, that would most likely be passed to the recipient, even if the patient had never taken that medication.  Will these be the only organs + people are allowed to receive from?  Can the donor's HIV cause further health issues for the recipient?  Questions.  They'll need answering.  Still, it's a step in the right direction.  


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