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Thursday, November 28, 2013


Today is Thanksgiving (US).  This day has a lot of different meanings for various people.  It can be a day when:  

  • There's a good food  
  • Friends & family gather
  • We acknowledge those in our lives
  • We take stock of what we have & not what we lack
  • We watch sports & parades
  • We go on long after dinner walks
  • We plan for the upcoming holidays
  • We put up seasonal decorations
  • We think of Thanksgivings past
  • We pass on traditions
  • We make new traditions
This is a day of remembrance & acknowledgement.  Most of all, it's a time to be grateful for what we do have in our lives.  No matter which of these things is why you celebrate the holiday (or none at all), I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.  


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