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Thursday, November 21, 2013

1st Of The Season...

There are things I look for throughout the year.  Like, the tiny, blue flowers our yard gets in early Spring.  They always seem happy & make me smile.  Cardinals are another 1 of those things.  I know they're around all year long, but I really associate them with the coming of Winter.  We're on the down hill run of Autumn, only a month more & then it's gone for the year.  

I saw my 1st redbird of the season today right outside my window sitting on a naked, crepe myrtle branch.   Not counting today, there are only 5 more Thursdays in 2013.   There's a week until Thanksgiving, a few weeks until the end of the Fall Semester, 33 days until Christmas & 40 days left in the year.  This is what the little bird told me.

We've readied ourselves for Winter.  The doors & windows are closed.  The blankets were brought down from the shelves.  The heater's were cleaned.  This little red fellow just told  me, we were right on time.

I'll trade in the allergies for dry air, the swelter for shivers & leaves for naked branches.  Winter may have it's downsides, but there's a lot of good in it as well.  Besides the holidays, there's the bug & grass die-off.  I really appreciate that part.  I have to do my best to look at the good things here.  It's too easy too focus on the bad stuff & that would just stress me out.  I really don't need that.

Here's looking forward to the next little redbird.


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