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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Changing Places...

This article found that the majority of young people preferred POC (Point Of Care) rapid testing to traditional HIV testing in a clinical setting.   They preferred the faster results & the less invasive atmosphere.

This is a big deal actually.  In a time when kids can't even commit to a phone call & prefer texting.  It's should've been expected this age group would prefer things to be as quick & direct as possible.  

Traditional testing requires a follow up appointment, to which the person may or may not show up.  For whatever reason a lot of people don't come back for their results.   The why isn't really relevant.  All that matter is that they didn't.  During this time, a + person could still be engaging in high risk behaviors.

At POC rapid testing centers, the  results are available then.  The risks can be discussed.  Treatment options can be gone over.  Their old life as a + person can be begin with knowledge of their status & what they need to do.  

This is probably the way things are going to head towards for everyone.  Most likely, it'll still require a traditional test follow up, but at least there's some info to move forward with in their lives. HIV education & treatment has to evolve with the public if it's going to have any chance at all of succeeding.


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