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Monday, November 18, 2013

Settling Back...

Everything seems to be settling back down, at least for a bit.  The weather is nearing what's seasonal for my area & not being +20 above it.   I woke up feeling much better than I had the past 2 days.

We had shopping to do this morning & it went well enough.  Other than some planning for errands to come, that was about it for us today.  It's nice to know things are mostly handled for the day.

Sure, there's still some housework & cooking, but the major going out stuff is over with for the moment.  I know ti's not much & that I'm not really expected to handle all that much, but it's still nice to know that it's all been dealt with as needed.

I guess that's it for today.  I've handled the holiday shopping.  I don't return to the dentist until the December 3rd.  On the 18th of next month I have a doctor's appointment.   Other than that I'm caught up.  


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