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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Waking Up...

Waking is not something I'm fond of at all.  Part of the process is called, Sleep Inertia.  This is that phase when you aren't exactly awake or asleep.  You may be moving, but it's mainly on autopilot.  I, personally, call it, The Early Morning Zombie Stares.    I may be looking at you & not even register you're there in the morning.   You may talk to me & even get me to answer & I not remember it all.    This lasts for 5 minutes up to half an hour.  

During this time, I don't want to be bothers.  Leave me alone.  Even after the Zombie Stares are fading, I'm still not fully awake & don't want to be involved with much of anything.  I don't respond well to loud or sudden things well during this time.  

I prefer to wake up very slowly & as light enters my room.  It's not a fast process.  My mind & body slowly accept it's time to get & going.  Left to my own devices, without outside intrusion, I can wake up in a fairly good mood.   If not, you're on your own.  I am not a morning person!  Quite frankly, I hate perky, morning people.  They should be shot.

On the days I get to wake up my way, I do far better.  I'm not as anxious or irritated.  I can get more done.  I feel more energetic & in general healthier.  I'm not sure if this is the same for everyone else, but for me, mornings set the tone of the day.  


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