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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Brrr Again...

We're back to being cold.  Tonight we're supposed to be in the mid 20's F.  Not as cold as it will get, but a serious brush with the chills all the same.  It's weird, all this back & forth on the weather business lately.  Last week, I had the doors open & was wearing shorts.  Now, I'm wearing socks, sweats, house shoes & a hoodie.  Typical weather for my area, changing abruptly & drastically as it pleases.

Yesterday was busy & a little tiring.  Too many people waiting until the last minute do shop for the holiday meal.  The roads were busy yesterday while we were out.  It'll only get worse through the holidays.  We'll be staying in as much as possible.   I don't want to deal with the traffic or be exposed to who knows what & get sick.


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