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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hello December...

December is here & it has a habit of not being my best month.   It usually leaves me longing for New Year's.  This is the holiday season.  I've never been the best with this time of the year.  I've gotten better, but I'd still rather just skip it.  This is not a time of pleasant memories for me.  At best, my oldest memories of this time were those when I could manage just to be ignored & let be.

When I was in college, I didn't just stay in the dorms, I lived in them.  For the duration, that was my home.  There wasn't any place else to go.   Holiday season went like this.

  • Thanksgiving week came & the campus was mostly empty
  • At least the cafeteria was reopened past Friday
  • Then there was desperate dead week, when everyone panicked
  • Then came finals & people left
  • The campus was a ghost town
  • There was no cafeteria, no student union, nothing 
  • It was semester's end & I was usually broke
  • There was no $ for entertainment or even decent food
  • For 3 weeks you were solo with nothing to do
  • You were supposed to be happy because it's the holidays
  • Then everyone came back & told you what a wonderful time they had
  • Even worse, then they asked you what you did over break
No, I'm not fond of the holidays.  I'm no Grinch about the matter.  When I was in college & working, I'd usually volunteer to work those days.  Everyone thought I was being nice.  I wasn't.  I'd rather have something to do, than sit in my dorm room solo.  Besides, I usually got paid more on holidays.

Again, greetings December, please try not to suck.  No bad crap allowed.  No major illnesses.  No major breakages.  Just let it be easy this year.  Also, no more dying cats this month.  We're coming up on the anniversary of Alice's passing.  I don't want much, just not to be screwed with, OK?


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