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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ways Off...

There's been talk lately about a drug that can stop HIV from being destructive to human cells.  There's another study proclaiming a way to affect human immune systems in such a way to strengthen the bodies ability to fight off HIV.    I don't like these articles.

No, I don't like these articles.  They are far too lab bound & theoretical.  1 such article was about a drug thought capable of inhibiting HIV's rampant destruction of cells.  This is via an off-use of a drug meant to treat epilepsy.    The problem here, is that this info is being generated purely in a lab environment.    We have no idea if this will work in a human body.

Much of the studies I come across are very early in development.  Perhaps too early to even be reported on to anybody outside the research community.  These early starts lead to false hopes & make some people believe there's a cure for HIV right around the corner, when there isn't. 

Even if the cure was developed tomorrow, it'd still be years before it got to the market.  Hell, it could be that long just to get to human testing.  It is highly unlikely any cure for HIV will be developed for wide scale use within a decade.  Not even then if it threatens pharmaceutical companies profits too much.

I try only to report on research articles that have a chance of promoting other studies or furthering the fight against HIV.  A cure is still a long ways down the road.  I'd rather be a bit depressing, but realistic, than to get people's hopes up for nothing.


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