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Monday, December 30, 2013

Too Chilly...

We've been cold here again. What makes it worse is the high humidity.  Our normal Winter is cold & dry.  This wetness is making the cold seem so much worse.  It's hard to stay warm, when you feel wet.

It brings about a host of issues for me.  1st, I hate being cold.  Then there is the near constant nasal drip & scratchy throat.  My skin is still very dry this time of year & that means using lots of lotion.   My hands look like a cracked, river bed.  The weather isn't easy on the breathing either.

I think the worst of it for me, are the chillblains.  I started getting them while we still lived at the trailer.  I've gotten them every Winter  since.  That was about the same time I developed gout.  It could be my weight, the HIV, the weather, my age, all the above or something else entirely.  

The chillblains come &  go throughout the season.  It isn't just that you get your hands or feet too cold  during a time of high humidity.  Instead, it's that you got them warm too quickly.  The abrupt change causes the chillblains.  Mine can be a bit tender & cause swelling.  At least, mine don't itch.  That would be hell.

So, no, I am not a fan of cold weather.  Never have been.  I just hope it does it's job & kills off the bugs. And think, we're technically just now into the Winter season.  Yippie!


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