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Friday, December 6, 2013

Hazy Shade...

The weather didn't listen to me & gave us an ice storm.  It's not nearly as bad as it could have been or even as bad as it has been in the last decade.   Still it was a storm with ice & that sucks.

Last night there were power outages in our area, our lights flickered, but the electricity held.   There were some crashes as limbs broke from the ice.  It's cold (25 F) & getting more so by the minute.  Our low for tonight is supposed to be single digit F.  BRRRR!!!!

I started the little car fine this morning.  Not, that we're going any where.   The roads looked passable but the crepe myrtle is bent over from ice & blocking the drive.  

The van was no where near as cooperative.  It took me 10 minutes just to get the door open.  Then it was a back & forth for nearly  45 minutes trying to get the ice off the windows.  The back windows had close to an inch.  The sloped front had almost 5 inches at the bottom.  It took forever to get that ice off those windows.  

Now it's snowing.  According to the weather channel, we've had almost 2" in ice & over 7 in snow.  The ice I can see, but the snow totals seem a bit high.

OK, my fingers are frozen & typing is questionable right now.  I'm not sure how much worse the weather's going to get today, so I'm getting this post done early.   We still have power & electricity.  We don't have to go anywhere, so we're pretty much set for the day.


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