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Friday, December 20, 2013

Shopping Done...

It's Friday & our usual shopping day.  We hit Walmart & it was obnoxiously busy.  I had to go back out in the foyer to find a cart.  I found most of what I needed today.

It was time to get a new printer.   The old 1 was beyond difficult & required a direct cable.  We opted for a wi-fi printer.  I haven't set it up yet, hopefully it works.  I don't want to have to take it back.

We still had to go to the other grocery.  I forgot some stuff & refused to venture back into Walmart yet again.   I hate going into Walmart twice in a day.   

There I found a new treat.  Too bad it's $15.00/#.  It's okra chips.  I know that sound it sounds wrong, but they're really good.  I wish they weren't so expensive.

Shopping is done.  Groceries are put away.  A printer was purchased.  Now were home & it's supposed to begin raining fairly heavily.  We won't be going back out if we don't have to.   Overall it was a fairly productive morning.  


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