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Monday, December 16, 2013


My morning hasn't gone as well as it could have.  It could've been worse, but it definitely could've gone much smoother.  The web started throwing fits this morning & somehow locked up my browser, which in turn locked my computer.  It finally calmed down, but it was close to a hard reboot.  It kept slowing my morning stuff down.

Finally, I'm just about out the door & notice that my pharmacy called.  Guess what?   They screwed up my order yet again.   I'm going to have to look into this more & see if I have any options at all or if I'm just stuck with CVS's BS.

Then there was Walmart & it was very busy.  We finally get back & there's 1 thing waiting for me.  I need to go fix the damn rain gutter.  It was still hanging, but just barely.  They hung it wrong & it holds water.  I couldn't adjust the incline, so I refastened it & punch a hole in the low end so it'd drain.   Not exactly ideal for a runoff gutter, but oh well.

I'm tired & stressed.  This is it for today.  Hopefully, tomorrow is better.   December is not being my friend so far.  I think it should be off the invite list.


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