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Sunday, December 15, 2013

14 Years & Counting...

Somewhere about this time 14 years ago, I was laying on a couch, shivering & not sure what was wrong with me.  I had a few more weeks before I was diagnosed +.    What I did figure out was that I could no longer smoke.  It wasn't only I couldn't, I didn't want to.  Somehow, via the being too sick to smoke method, I quit smoking pretty much cold turkey.

I haven't smoked since.  I kept a pack of cigarettes for years.  Occasionally, I'd just lok at them & smell them.  The smell nearly made me nauseous.  Of course by then they were really old.  When we moved, I finally tossed them out. I haven't had the urge for the nicotine.  I've missed having something to with my hands though.  I missed the trappings of smoking more than the act, itself.  

According to some savings calculators, I've saved well over $20K & if I'd put those saving in the bank at a decent interest rate I could've gained half that much in interest.    I'm not sure about those numbers, they seem a little, but then again these calculators come from places trying to get you to quit smoking.  It's in their best interest to make the amount higher.

Regardless of how much I could've saved, I had that $ to spend on other things, like food, gas & rent.  More importantly, I haven't had smoking interfering with my health.  So,  hurrah for me I haven't smoked in 14 years!    


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