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Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Last Sunday...

There will be no more Sundays in 2013.  They're all used up.  You get another Monday & Tuesday & then it's all gone forever.   I hope you've gotten out of the year what you wanted, because your time is nearly up.  

I guess I'm strange on this.  Days are days, but I still think things like this need recognition.   There are too many things in our lives that we don't give a 2nd thought to about losing or leaving behind.   Maybe, at some point we regret those flippant allowances.  I hope not, seeing there won't be anything we can do about it then.  

So last Sunday, I would've preferred for you to have been a bright, sunny day.  Instead you've opted for the grey, dismal overcast of Winter.   I'll try to enjoy you for what you are, it seems only fair.  You didn't ask for it to be cloudy or for someone like me to cast his opinions at you. 

I'm trying to exit 2013 in appreciation & not run out, slamming the door behind me.   There were a lot of rough patches, but it wasn't all bad.   I saw some good movies, found a couple of new restaurants, started a new game.  My health didn't decline & there wasn't anything that was insurmountable in our way.  Even if me & mine only break even, I'll take it & call it a win.


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