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Monday, December 23, 2013

The Monday Before...

It's the Monday before Christmas.  Somehow this morning went fairly well for me.  I was expecting the computer to throw a fit & declare itself inoperative.  I'm not sure what we would've done then.  Luckily it worked.

We did our morning shopping & other than it being stupidly busy, it went well.   My roomie is finishing her holiday stuff.  Tomorrow she'll be going to her family's for the holiday.  

We've almost made it through the month & the year.  There are only 8 more days in 2013.   We're 97.8% of the way through.  I hope the rest of the year goes smoothly.  I'd like to enter 2014 gracefully & not hurdling through so I can slam the door on 2013.

The best holiday wishes to eveyrone.


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