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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Here, There & Tired...

My roomie & I usually don't do much for the New Year's.  Half the time we can't due to illness or an overly restrictive budget.  This year wasn't like that.  We had no desire to try for the bar scene, so we opted to splurge a bit on ourselves for the day.  We planned a good lunch, would stop to hit Candy Craze & Papa Murphy's.   It seemed like such a simple plan.

On the way there, we noticed the tires felt low.  Never mind we just aired them up yesterday.  We flipped the car around.  The mechanics couldn't find anything wrong with the tire, but still replaced the valve stem & sealed the thing.  It didn't cost us anything but time. 

We were on our way again.  We get to where we wanted to eat & it was out of business.  There was another branch across town, so we headed over there.  It took us a bit to find it.  Then it took them forever to get our food to us.  The food was good, but we were starved.  We'd originally headed out at a little after 10 & was now after 1 in the afternoon.  

The drive to to get the candy, pizza & some stuff from the grocery was very annoying.    I thought we'd be back by like 1 at the latest.  We finally got back at 3:30.  

I don't travel well anymore.  I'm tired & a bit light headed.  This is all I have for today.  Have a very happy New Year's & best wishes for 2014.

Goodbye 2013.  Until the next lifetime, farewell.  You certainly had your moments.


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